Monday 2 April 2012

This is the way we go to sleep...

Oh Eli! You have not been well lately - two year old molars have been causing us all grief, and then today I discovered you have your first ear infection... in fact the first ear infection of any of my kids as Lily has never had one.

I know you are out of sorts when you are actually asking to go to sleep!!

And this is how you have loved to sleep ever since you were a baby - with your arms full to the brim with things to cuddle.

Even when you were a newborn, you would scrabble your little hands around on your fitted cot sheet, desperate for something to clutch. We only used sleeping bags so no loose blankets to cuddle (for safety reasons). I think I actually ended up giving you a blanket at some point, though I can't remember when but I know when I did you would immediately shove it right in your face. Um, yeah, not great for SIDS risk!

These days you favour your Horse (horth), a blanket (bankit) and of course a Baby (baybeeeee). Yesterday it was also a tennis ball (yes, tightly clutched for your entire sleep, curled under your chin) and a range of other bizarre items have visited your cot in the past.

Eli, you are such a deliciously quirky little fellow. I love laying you down to sleep and seeing this adorable face shining up at me, I can never help but laugh at your arms filled with all manner of toys and blankets. You are so happy with all your little companions and ready for slumber with your little hands tightly clutched to your comforts.

Sleep well, beloved boy... rest up and get well soon... xx


  1. Oh no an ear infection! Thankfully we have only had one in our family too (harper at about 7 months). It was terrible! No wonder Eli has been feeling so out of sorts.
    Hope you get lots of rest little buddy and feel much better soon :)

  2. That is adorable :) Obviously not the ear infection or the molars, but that sweet face poking up between ALL those sleeptime friends.. too too cute.
    hope he feels better ASAP, poor sausage.

  3. Poor little guy.That's no fun :( Ear infections are the worst...

    What an adorable bedtime habit!

  4. Hey Buddy - hope you get to feeling better soon. Thanks for taking care of Ella's baby. :-)

  5. Oh yukky! Ear infections. Not fun! I love his facial expression... caught out! What a cutie.


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