Monday 10 September 2012

i love - you love - watermelon!

It's amazing how many messy aspects of childhood can be relegated to the bath!
We make it a mission to find as many as possible :)

She is dreadfully sick (oh, those poor eyes) but watermelon+bath makes her ever so happy again!

This is her 'Don't come between me and my watermelon' face!
Fully focused on the task at hand: demolishing the food!


  1. Watermelon in the bath? Good thinking 99!

    Watermelon is T's favourite food. Luckily he is the world's neatest eater because we don't have a bath for dealing with mess at our house.

    Get well soon Lily!

  2. Aww poor Lily, she doesn't look too well at all! And yes, I will definitely be keeping that idea in mind when summer hits. I wonder if I could get away with doing it for most meals actually...

  3. hehehe, watermelon in the bath! My kids would love it! We tend to just take it outside. My brothers and I used to have spitting competitions with the seeds... no need anymore with these latest varieties.


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