Sunday 24 June 2012

Bedtime Book

I can't do much for my kids these days, but at least I can (usually) read them their bedtime story. They come visit me in my bed, book in hand. snuggle in for some time together and a good read, a chat and a prayer, if I am feeling up to it.

One day I will do a whole post on this hilarious series of 1980's manners books... but suffice to say, they are Lily's absolute favourite. If you ever want to brush up on the correct ettiquete for school sports day, just ask Lily!


  1. hehe! What a cute but funny story! It must be such a hard time for you but at least you know it will soon be over and you have a sweet little life to show for it all.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so sickly. Snuggle & story time must help you get through each day, knowing that it's waiting at the end. Hope the sickness passes soon for you x


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