Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Let us Pway...

Every night before dinner we give thanks to God for our many blessings, not the least of which is the meal we are about to eat.

Hand in hand, our family of four... linked in love, faith and gratitude. 

I love this nightly view... little sets of hands clutching the grown up ones. Our little family joining together to recognise something bigger than ourselves. Slowing down, coming together, looking 'up'.

We don't require the kids to hold hands but when they are big enough to join us for dinner as babies we would usually just casually place our hands on the high chair for the prayer. It did not take long before even as babies they would want to join in the fun, clutching our hands, squeezing little eyes shut and showing remarkable self-control in not eating the meal before them until we are done (well, Eli sometimes nabs a little bite mid-way through before quickly shutting eyes again as if it never happened - he's a toddler after all!). Eli is a staunch advocate of the family prayer. If you should forget due to rushing or something, he bellows 'PWAY, PWAY!!!!' to gently remind us. At the end of each prayer he finishes up with yelling  'MAMEN!!!' with relish!

Daddy usually says the prayer but in recent months, Lily often requests to pray or at least add a few things in. Her prayers are funny, touching, honest, direct and inspiring.... a simple and sweet chat with her friend, God. She has brought more than a few dinner guests to tears with her heart-felt and innocent prayers for babies in bellies, anyone who has any sickness or injury (she never forgets anyone who is sick.... ever!), for friends, for family, for friend's pets (really) and of course our two chickens and the eggs they give us!

I am a staunch advocate and protector of the family dinner time, even in these messy, noisy and often chaotic early years. More than a family tradition, it is, I feel, part of what binds our family together, as it's pretty much the only time we are all assembled regularly in one place every day for any true length of time. Something I hope the kids will grow up remembering as part of our family identity - that ritual, the conversations, the sharing together. Beginning our meal in prayer sets the tone, and helps us remember and be grateful to He who blessed us so richly not only with food, home, friends and jobs but our most rich and precious blessings... each other.

PS. I realise the bowl set before Eli looks rather like gruel or something, but it's actually a zucchini and mushroom bisque... can't be too bad as he ate three bowls full!


  1. I love a little ritual in our lives. We are not praying people but we often talk about and give a little bit of gratitude for all the people who might have helped in the chain along the way to get our food to our table. I think whether its God, mum, farmers, grocery store person, it's great to make our kids think about life rather than just sit straight down and shovel! Good for you for making dinner time family time - it's so wonderful.

    1. this is lovely tricia and so true about getting the kids (and us) to think a little more about what is before them rather than just digging in! esp the farmers - and the cooks - they all deserve a little cred ;)

  2. Lovely post Kate.
    As you know our family isn't religious but like you, family meal times are VERY important to me (and Lach). To come together and share good food and talk about our days helps to make and keep our family connection/s strong and I work hard to keep it going every night (well, almost every night ;) )

    I can just imagine Lily giving a thoughtful prayer over dinnertime. She is such a sweet soul. Love her :)

    1. thanks Amber, i know you guys are big-time commited to family dinners too and its encouraging to know we share in that! i love the traditions you have too (questions and so on) - all good stuff and yes so good for family connection esp in the years to come huh!!

  3. Making your own family traditions is really lovely. We are still getting ourselves organised enough to have something we do everyday!

  4. We've been trying to eat together when possible, and I've noticed that Hogiebaby really eats a lot more when we have a family meal. Growing up it was a family tradition in my house that I hold close to my heart (along with a Sunday roast), and I definitely plan to make it one of our traditions too. Love your words again Kate. PS the 'gruel' looks delish!

    1. thanks Megan! My two are big eaters and i always noticed when they were little they would always seem to eat a lot more i think just being part of the gang and watching everyone else eat, watching people talk while they eat etc (not so much focus on them eating seemed to help them eat, you know?). can be hard when they are tiny depending on what time ppl finish work but as they grow it will be easier to do regularly. Yes i grew up w family dinners too - in the teen years oh how i wished i was just watching TV during dinner like my friends but now I am so grateful for them! Mmmm sunday roast, now THAT sounds like a great tradition to start up, yummo! :)

  5. Another thought provoking post Kate. Although we do all eat together it is still a bit of a diasaster given the ages of my three :-) I love this idea of giving thanks and consider how the food got to the table (especially since I have three rather picky eaters). I am going to give it a try with my brood as of tomorrow!! Sarah (Goodytenshoes)

    1. oh sarah, we definitely still have meal times filled with tears, cranky kids, eating issues, mess and so on!! it can sometimes be a bit of a disaster but i try to perservere through those times as it is usually a very sweet time and I kinda feel (or hope) that even in the messy times, it is still a blessing to be together and they are kinda learning on the job you know? still a training ground! anyway so cool you are going to try giving thanks for the food w your own family tomorrow, would LOVE to hear how it goes!! xx

  6. this is incredibly beautiful. I too love the quiet space pre-dinner to reflect and give thanks. x

  7. Very inspiring. I totally agree that it is important to have some time every day to just all be together. I think you will find that as Lily and Eli grow this will be a time where they will talk to you over dinner about their lives/problems/successes and it might not have been shared otherwise. Wonderful, wonderful :)


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