Friday 24 February 2012

Let's Go Visiting

Opening a sweet drawing from Grandma C

Today we went to visit a dear lady we know through our church, who we call Grandma C. She is an amazing woman who has endured pretty much everything life can throw at a person, and is now living with a chronic and debilitating illness, which leaves her in frequent awful pain and often house bound and bed-ridden, though she has good patches too, thankfully. We go to visit when we can, taking a meal and of course Artist Lily takes a drawing. Lily adores her and often suggests visiting, choosing to see Grandma C over going to the library or most other options. It's always an adventure at her house, with her amazing garden and many little treasures the kids just love to explore!

Snacks on the rug

We visit because I know God wants us to look out for the ill, the elderly and the lonely in our community. We visit because I want the kids to learn to think of others, to bless and to serve. Because the kids love to see her and I want them to also know we have outings that are not focused on them but on someone else for a change - and this is a good thing! But most of all? We visit because we love her, and we come away just as blessed and encouraged (if not more so!) from our time with her as she is thrilled to have some company and the sunshine that little kiddies tend to spread! In spite of her ups and downs, her pain and her ongoing struggles, this woman's faith is strong and inspiring. God is her comfort and her strength and the fact of that shines out in the midst of her suffering. She is open, honest, frank, funny, loving and wise. A woman of faith and friendship... a living treasure indeed. We love her!

Checking out the awesome fish pond!

Fun putting rocks into the water!

Always plenty of cuddles

So thankful that my kids get to know and spend time with Grandma C. Thankful that their relationship blesses them as well as her... and me! A tough lady with a fighting spirit, she has been a source of love, support and inspiration in my life - and couldn't we all use one of those? I am so grateful to sit at the feet of someone whose life has been tested and yet still clings to joy and faith... and so... we go visiting!


  1. Oh Kate, that is such a lovely post - what a wonderfully kind woman you are, and such a thoughtful mama too.

    1. aw thanks and YAY not anonymous!! i took the spam captcha thing off too did you notice, i wonder if that helped you be able to put your name? thanks for commenting :)

  2. PS. Can you believe I didn't have to be anonymous tonight??

  3. aww that is awesome - no doubt Grandma C loves your visits too

  4. What a lovely post! What a special thing to do, you have a very kind heart :)


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