We might have created a new tradition this week.
My little girl finished her first year of Kindy - what a milestone! She has flourished, worked so very hard, kept her love of learning, and best of all remained a kind and faithful friend - we could not be prouder. I decided to celebrate and honour her big year, and welcome in the first day of holidays (Yippee!! Six weeks of holidays!). So I delivered a simple but special breakfast in bed - just fruit salad topped with toasted muesli and greek yoghurt, Nutella toast (!!!) and juice.
As you can see from this gleeful face, Lily was thrilled when I presented this simple little tray. She just kept repeating 'Thank you Mummy, I love this Mummy, I love you Mummy! Wow, I love this!!'
Such a simple way to celebrate my girl and make her feel loved. A simple little gesture but it meant the world to her - what a gift it was to me to be able to bring her such joy. It was a very fitting way to end the school year and welcome in the holidays. From this luxurious start, we rolled into a much needed quiet 'Pyjama Day' at home. Just loving that we have a whole week now to prepare for and celebrate Christmas. A few little Christmassey traditions ahead that we need to check off our list!
(iPhone pic)
My helpful little sidekick, pegging clothes on the line. He loves to help and work alongside me, my little companion who whistles while he works.
I love letting my kids work out their own way to get the job done and am not one to quibble on adult type standards when they are just learning the ropes - intention and enthusiasm goes a long way at this age! I just casually mentioned to him while he was haphazardly pegging clothes that I generally like to peg the clothes from the bottom (of the item, eg hanging Tshirts from the hem). He looked at me confused, then said 'Mummy, you need to peg them at the top - see??' And pegged a cloth to the line. Then he put a peg at the bottom of the dangling item and looked at me bemused like 'Are you crazy? This does nothing!'
LOL, you sure showed me, son ;)
His latest obsession is chalk drawing. He is constantly begging 'Play outside?? Chalk??'
(Sidenote: he also says Dishwasher and Peanut butter, so cute, I love seeing his vocabulary flourish!)
He loves drawing out there, covering the patio with his lines and scrawls, (with assistance from his siblings). My busy, outdoorsy little man.
Father and son, off to do the weekly grocery shop.
A little bonding time, a little project, a little household help from the boy who will bite directly into the plastic wrapped loaf of bread if given half a second's opportunity ;)
Look at that happy smile. Melt.
Project 52: A portrait of my family, once a week, every week, in 2014.
More highlights from the week that was...
It has been a sad news week. Sad our country (the terrifying Sydney siege, the heartbreaking Cairns killings) and also for our family, with some news hitting a little closer to home, to someone we love. Grief upon grief upon grief. But though we are hard pressed on every side, we are not crushed; we are struck down but we are not destroyed (
2 Corinthians 4.8-12). I am thankful for hope and peace and God's comfort through every earthly sadness. In bittersweet and somber times, it is all we can do to be ever more grateful and aware of the rich blessings also before us.
I am so thankful at times like these, for this little weekly ritual, which encourages me to sit and sift through images, remembering and reflecting and storing these blessings up in my heart - oh yeah, and on the interwebz ;)
Last day of Kindy. She wore pink socks to celebrate, lol.
Goodness, look at those long legs, she has really shot up this year! |
Me and my girl xx |
Celebrating the end of school with a night out at the Christmas Carols - we go most years with dear friends, enjoying singing, food and friendship. |
Picnic food...
I made a Four Cheese, Sundried Tomato and Fresh Herb Pull Apart. Oh, and chucky basil pesto dip. Who am I again!? |
This photo fairly well reflects Miles on this night - totally wired! Much of our evening was spent corralling him and preventing him from drinking the mosquito repellant lying out on our neighbours' picnic blanket. Mmm, so relaxing ;) Thankfully towards the end, we had a peaceful half hour, with the kids nestled under blankets, cuddling them and singing carols together. It was so beautiful, just what this heart needed. |
This fellow did a smashing job of his first year of playschool. Celebrated him with brekkie in bed too! He is so sad to leave playschool (and his best buddy Thomas) but is going to have a wonderful time at Preschool next year. I am still yet to process that this kid is going to Preschool?! How can it be? |
A very rare treat - Nutella toast - combined with another rare treat - breakfast in bed! Pretty pleased with herself :) |
A helping hand to reach the line... |
She requested a photo in front of the adorable snowman made by our lovely neighbour! He made one for each of the kids, how lovely is that?!?! They adore them! |
Off to deliver treats and a little Christmas cheer to all our lovely neighbours. We are soooo blessed to live on a great street with such a friendly community of good folk :) |
Our beautiful friends Mandy and Lucrecia came to town for a flying visit. I absolutely love seeing my kids form cross-generational bonds, learning and being inspired by diverse people. I am so thankful for our church family! |
Mandy helps Lily strum a tune on her guitar - Lily is dying for lessons! |
Lily decided to organise a craft activity for Miles :) It was adorable to witness, she was very patient and he was thrilled to be unleashed with the glue!!! |
My little Japanese girl!
She has been asking for her own Kimono all year. I had secretly bought one for Christmas, but when she had a Japanese Fun Day at school (they learn Japanese at school), we decided to give it to her early. Amazing or what!? |
Fitting that she is standing in front of my beloved Japanese maple tree. |
Such a little lady! Tottering around on her Geti (wooden sandals)... |
'Ummmm, did you see me drop the chalk into the gumboot??'
Sprung. |
Smooch |
Miles loves to tickle Daddy's beard :) |