Sunday, 17 November 2013

46/52 - fete + bear


The time finally arrived - it was Lily's turn to bring home 'Polly' from Preschool. Polly is the class teddy bear who travels home with one of the kids each week, having adventures in the home and then returning to tell the class all about the fun they had. Lily gets to draw all about their adventures in a special book, while I help scribe her retelling of their hijinks. 

Caring for Polly is a great privilege and responsibility. Polly is very important. Polly wants to be part of every adventure. Lily is taking this task very seriously indeed, so we all must too! ;) 

Polly's first task was to help Lily unstack the dishwasher. She didn't seem to help much but I think Lily enjoyed her company just the same!


What is it with guys and the power of the TV remote control??

Ever since I showed him how to press 'Pause' (and Power and Play) with the remote, he watches TV just like this. 

From the next room, Playschool sounds like:

'Mary (pause) had a (pause) little (pause) lamb (pause).....'

At the slightest noise in the house it's:

'(Pause) Sorry, what did you say, Mummy?? Oh, nothing, ok (Play)....'

Ha. It's hilarious. He loves wielding the power of the remote, though he only gets to watch like this when Lily is not around as it is a little tiresome (to say the least) for everyone else. But it's also funny, quirky and adorable, just like Eli :) 


How blessed I am to have this cheery little face gazing at me! 

(Just a quiet moment hanging out on the bed with the kiddos)

Project 52: A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.

More highlights from the week that was....

The quizzical eyebrow. Kills me every time.

Lily: Miles, you can hold Polly......(chomp) Noooooooooooooooooooooo, Baby Miles!!!'

Eli asked to take some photos of Miles and I with my very big, heavy camera. This was the result....
....and this....

And THIS! :) Well done, Eli! 

Eli always asks if Miles can have a 'little lie down wif' me' before nap time. Clearly, they coordinated vintage t-shirt day!

The Marymead Fete rolled around once again, and as per every
year, Mum and I run the book stall. Well, she is the Book Stall pro
and I am her assistant. And the assistant's assistant is this
cute kid who was quite the draw card :) (iphone)

The sweetest view in the world - when I wear Miles in the Ergo carrier, every time I glance down, I see this beautiful face peering up at me, smiling expectantly. How could you not smother this face in kisses, I ask ya????? 
Bad photo of a gorgeous moment at the Marymead Fete. Eli got to sit in a police car and press the siren! Woohoo!

Cuddling baby animals at the Petting Zoo

Tap Tap Boards borrowed from my dear Amber are a huge hit. I have rarely seen Eli focus as he did on this task!
Hammer and nails win his heart.

After a hair cut (ohhhh, there is his little face!), I took Eli for a little Mummy/Son
babycino date - with a blue macaron, no less! Just love chatting with this sunny little
fellow, he is so full of questions, ideas and joyful exuberance for every adventure.


  1. hahaha, love the story about the remote. And so it begins!

  2. Wait. When did Miles get blonde hair? Did you have the hairdresser bleach it while you had Eli's cut? I always thought he was like Lily, but he looks just like his big brother now.
    Also, you need to hand Eli the camera more often. Great pictures Eli!

    1. i know!! he is getting blonder and blonder. yeah he gets regular treatments at the salon these days - including a perm haha :) he is getting more and more like Eli it seems!

  3. Miles is seriously a half and half combination of Eli and Lily. I find myself thinking "Awww, he looks so much like Lily" then I link and look at the same photo and see E! Those tow little toothy pegs at the top are so adorable :)
    I am thrilled that Eli has taken to the tap, tap boards. The second photo is great, with his head lowered. I can tell he is really concentrating on those tiny nails. Tell him that when he comes to Playschool we regularly bring out the tap tap boards :)

    1. thanks amber, yes he LOVES those boards thanks so much! they are just great for him! hope to get him some for xmas to keep him busy in the new year. he is going to be all over Playschool, i cant wait to see him get into it :)


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