Sunday, 17 February 2013


Lily -

My fluttering little fairy, so excited for our Girl's Adventure to the movies.... 


Just a cheery little fellow. He makes me laugh like nobody else.

Miles - 

Little bathroom sinks just perfect for cosy baby baths....

Project 52: A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013.

Other highlights from the week that was....

They set themselves up at the craft table together. This is Lily's domain and now Eli is getting old enough
she lets him sit and craft with her as he is now less likely to destroy everything in toddler-fashion!
However I hear her sharing a few home truths as they work 'Eli, even though we call you a big boy, you are really still
a little boy because I'm four and you're two.'

They sing 'I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart' together as they merrily
craft away. 

He misses his sister deeply when she is at school. He spent the whole day
wearing this backpack slung over his shoulder and asking every five minutes if it
was time to pick Lily up yet!


  1. Sweet little children. I have a Lily too x

  2. Gorgeous shots. Lily's outfit is just delightful! x

  3. Loving your shots for week and all the extras too ;) Glad that you include them alongside your project.
    I just love the little "chat" Lily gave Eli. Funny stuff!
    and that photo of Miles in the sink. Precious newborn moment!


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